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Online hearing test
Find out how good your hearing is in just three minutes. The online hearing test provides valuable information about your hearing.
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Common questions about hearing loss and hearing aids
Are you always having to ask people to repeat themselves? Is your TV too loud for other people? Do you sometimes miss the doorbell or phone? If you think you might be affected by hearing loss, don't wait any longer: The sooner your hearing impairment is investigated by an audiologist, the greater your quality of life will be in the future. Find out the best way to proceed and get your most common questions answered.
Wearing hearing aids
A modern, appropriately adapted hearing aid can give you back your quality of life. But your restored hearing may prove tiring at first. Don’t be discouraged! It will take time to get used to your hearing aid. Please don’t hesitate to ask your audiologist for help if you find you are struggling. Find out here everything you need to know about getting used to your hearing aid and how to look after it.
AudioNova Remote Control
An easy-to-use remote control lets you discreetly adjust volume and switch programs at your convenience.
Invisible-in-Canal (Lyric)
Invisible-in-the-canal (IIC) hearing aids like the Lyric are worn deep in the ear canal. IICs are inserted directly into the ear canal and can be easily removed with a string. These hearing aids are a good choice if you lead a moderately to heavily active lifestyle—or if you do not want your hearing aids to be visible to others. While they are popular among hearing aid wearers, IICs may not be the best choice for users with more severe or profound hearing loss, since these hearing aids do not provide the same amount of power that other, larger models do.
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